My 30 Watt class A is louder than my 100 Watt Class AB?

Curious observation…

I had just done some work on my DIY Hiraga 30 Watt Class A amp, and decided I would do an A/B comparison with my Adcom GFA 545.

To my great surprise, when I switched from the Hiraga to the Adcom, leaving everything else in the set up the same, and when I turned the music back on, it needed to be turned up to play at the same volume.

Input impedance is different, and I’m wondering if this is what could be causing this counter intuitive finding? Hiraga is around 33K and the Adcom around 100K.

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to why this is what I’m experiencing.




That would explain the volume increase!

haha... when seemingly weird stuff happens there is ALWAYS an explanation, it is just that sometimes it takes us a while to figure it out!

Very much appreciate the input/information!

This surprise, sent me down a rabbit hole of “research”.

Now, I have more questions than I had prior to this observation :)



I'm assuming your preamp has a resistive volume control. If that's the case. the "higher" the volume setting the less resistance. That's preferable for better sound. It's been the case for decades that many home audio preamps have much more gain than they need or is desirable. If your volume settings run only up to, say halfway before maxing out, your preamp has too much gain. Your tube preamp 3-5 db gain was actually better suited to your system than the 9db gain preamp. 

Excess gain preamps that result in volume settings between 1-5 have trained users to expect that. When a preamp with a resistive attenuator is used mostly between 5-9 (on a scale of 10) that's ideal, but seems wrong due to previous experience with excessive gain preamps. The output voltage of the preamp should drive the amplifier to maximum power output at just about the full volume setting. That's when the attenuator is resisting the least and converting as little as possible of the voltage gain to heat.

I’m assuming your preamp has a resistive volume control. If that’s the case. the "higher" the volume setting the less resistance.

"Less resistance" where?

You don’t know where the volume control (VC) is located. Is it the first device in the chain functionally a load for the source, or is there an input buffer then the VC, or is it on the output of the preamp which would be very unusual. In any of those scenarios, the total resistance seen by the previous stage will include whatever is loading the VC, which may be so high compared to the VC that the total resistance is effectively constant.


The output voltage of the preamp should drive the amplifier to maximum power output at just about the full volume setting. That’s when the attenuator is resisting the least and converting as little as possible of the voltage gain to heat.

This assumes the VC is at the output of the preamp. This is extremely unusual. It is also inconsequential if it is. The output impedance of the pre will be much lower than the input impedance of the amp so the load it presents will be effectively constant no matter the volume. The VC will dissipate the same amount of heat (extremely little) whatever the volume so it simply doesn’t matter.

The bottom line is without knowing  the topology of the preamp you simply have no idea how the VC is affecting anything. . In any case, it doesn’t work as you described.

I compared a 100w / Channel Shiit Vidar against a 50W / Crown amp. The Vidar had slightly more low-end punch, but the 45yr old 50W Crown amp left it behind when it came to loudness with no distortion. I am not sure why?  When I got a 30W tube amp running KT 77s it seems louder than both with greater dynamics.  I was amazed, but happy!  I think tubes have higher gain. I am sure some electrical engineer could explain.