My 1st tube amp: transformer buzz audible 15 feet?

I recently purchased my first tube integrated amplifier from a local shop. I continue to have problems with a buzz coming from the transformer, which I can easily hear while 15 feet away. Is this normal? Do I have a defective unit?

So far, the transformer cover has been tighten by the shop, and I plugged it into a variac to bring the voltage down from the 120-122 volts coming from my outlets.

After two weeks, I find the buzz unacceptable. Any ideas?

Showing 1 response by banquo363

What is your amp sitting on? I had a similar problem with a more or less new RM-10. It was my first tube amp as well and I could hear it 10 feet away. I had it sitting directly on a piece of ply on spikes on a rug over concrete. I believe it was resonating with the ply and amplifying the existing hum--and it was annoying as hell. I happened to have some herbies tenderfoots I wasn't using so on a whim I stuck them underneath the amp. Problem solved. I can still hear the same hum if I stick my ears right up to the amp but it's no longer audible from my seating position or even 2 feet out. Nothing magical about the tenderfoots, because I switched them out (tonight as a matter of fact) with some audio technica footers I have and same result: quiet. Try it ASAP. I suppose trying a different platform might work as well.

If it doesn't work then, as most everyone has said (and obviously correctly), return it.