MX110 vs. C-28?

I'm thinking about a preamp to pair with an MC2255. I have an old MA6100 that needs significant work, and am considering just switching up for a C-28 or a MX110.

I've been using the MA6100 as a preamp, but one of the phono channels has failed, and the whole unit is starting to deteriorate. It was not stored well by the person I bought it from.

I'm conscious that the MX110 has a tuner and the c28 does not - aside from those points, are there any to consider? The price differential between the two isn't a big deal.

For completeness (though not an "amps preamps" question) I'm also considering trading my aging speakers - JBL L100 Centuries - for something smaller and more modern, (e.g., Kef LS50's). The system is in quite a small room in my old, old house.
Sid42, great idea on the other models. I think I may follow that suggestion, but I'll have to find one for sale first! Thanks for the idea - it's one I hadn't considered, and I'm going to try to follow.
MX110 is excellent when brought up to spec (google Terry DeWick)and is getting harder to find at a reasonable price. Classic Mac sound and a tube preamp with SS amp would be a great combo. I never cared for the sound of the C28 which I owned prior to the MX110.
Why not consider the C712 or C15 preamp to compliment your 2255? And if you need a Mac tuner, these are readily available, and quite reasonably priced. I doubt the C28 or MX110 will satisfy you by today's standards of sound quality.