MUST Have Vinyl

Lately I’ve been moving back towards vinyl.  I’ve got two really great TT’s but my collection of vinyl is pretty sparse; ridiculous I know!   What are your Top Ten must have albums?  Any genre.  Thanks for your suggestions!

Showing 6 responses by roberjerman

Procul Harum's Shine On Brightly and A Salty Dog! Original pressings on the A & M label.  Great prog rock from 1968 and '69.
Jimi Hendrix's Axis Bold As Love, Electric Ladyland. British Track and German Reprise pressings.
Moody Blues In Search Of The Lost Chord. "Timothy Leary's Dead"! No, he's not. He's on the outside looking in!
Harry James: The King James Version - Sheffield Labs Direct-To-Disc. Big band jazz that will blow your roof off! A favorite demo LP at the audio store I worked at back in 1978.