Must -have SACD's

While the new format holds quite a bit of promise a lot of the recordings currently available can sound 2-dimensional and sometimes shrill on the top end. This thread is for SACD's that are all around better recording wise than the best of redbook CD. My suggedtions are the Eric Bibb SACD on Opus 3, the Rebecca Pigeon SACD on Chesky, the Tony Bennett Unplugged on Sony, the Carmina Burana on Sony. These SACD's seem to be better than redbook CD's in pretty much every aspect and should be considered must-have's. Please list other SACD's in this category for current owners of this format so we can avoid wasted purchases of inferior quality recordings.

Showing 1 response by simontju

My nominee is Verdi Requim by Ormandy. You can't take performance out from recording. With SACD dynamic range this piece, particularly track #2, is breathtaking. Delos single SACD soud is awesome, indeed, but performance by Litton is inferior to his recording of Malher 5th a few years ago (also with Dallas Symphonic)