Musicl Fidelity A3.2 integrated or A3 separates

A3.2 can be had for US$1000 whereas A3 preamp US$600 plus A3 amp US$700. Cannot audition both in New Zealand (not available).What is opinions and is it worth the price difference. Rest of system is MF A3.2 CD player, Linn LP12 turntable and KEF Q75 Tower speakers.
Hi Tdav, I bought an A3.2 and found it a very musical, slightly laid back ( 15 rows back in the hall presentation ) that had plenty of power when called for. Then I sort of backed myself into a corner bidding on an auction demo Bel Canto eVo gen2 integrated which I really liked with my Harbeth 30 monitors. So bottom line: this perfectly good low hours A3.2 has been boxed up for two years, as my planned second system has not materialzed.It lacks a remote, so I was thinking I should ask $750 for it. If you are interested, I'll look into shipping costs to see if it's worth your while sending it "down under"from California. Cheers, Jeff
Hi Jeff. Depending on freight I may be interested. I have scoured the internet worldwide and A3.2 seems to be scarce at the moment. I have sent this reply to your email as well so if its still valid may appear as a double up.
Regards Trevor Davies
PS: I like your "down under" reference. Have you been here or know people in NZ or Oz
Jeff.. are you still there? Have you had a chance to get freight rate to Auckland 1025, New Zealand. I am still interested.