musicality vs. accuracy

I am trying out interconnects and some sound very accurate AQ Annaconda, Nirvana SX. Some sound less accurate but to me more muscal HT, Acoustic Zen, Cardas. Which is better? When I listen to the Audioquest There is less between the images but it doesn't seem as thrilling. It kind of reminds me of the reivew of the Wisdom loudspeakers in TAS by harry pearson. He said at first the speakers sounded accurate but not very involving but after trying a dozen Amp, preamp combinations he settled on the Gamut power amp and the speakers ended up being very fun to listen to.

Showing 1 response by krisjan

In my book, musicality and accuracy are two sides of the same coin. If a piece of audio gear is "accurate" by my definition that means it renders instruments/voices as they are - i.e. musically. The concepts cannot - should not - be divorced. Of course people can like something because it invokes an emotional response to the music. In such cases, people may assign the adjective "musical" to that experience. But if it ain't accurate, it ain't musical in my mind. My standard for judging accuaracy/musicality is unamplified music recorded in a natural acoustic. You can't make an accuracy judgement on other types of recorded music (which, BTW, I also listen too and enjoy).