musicality and dynamics without enhancements

i was just in the shed listening to a early 90's denon mini system, and although it probably does have exagerated bass and treble, this is an extremely musical 30 wpc amplifier, the wow effect is constant, has anyone ever heard similar sound in a seperate component or receiver, in the price range of the average serf, perhaps with enough power for complex modern speakers?
the problem with terms like "musical" is that they are ambiguous. they don't precisely communicate the intentions of the communicator.

as you have suggested the term "euphonic", may be what people mean when they use the word "musical". why not say euphonic if that is what you mean ?

words have meaning . if they are misused, there is no communication.
Analogsonar, I think you are talking about the DRA-F100 mini receiver and DCD-F100 components with Mission book self speakers or versions of these. Yes this one extremely good sounding system and I have kept it for last 5-7 years. I am constantly amazed at how good this system sounds. Although, I would not call this one to have enhanced bass or treble- just perfect.

I do have another lower line Denon mini system (plastic enclosure), which is okay to bad. I also have Nakamichi micro system which is very good but does not compare with the champagne gold finish Denon system.
the term "musical" cannot refer to an audio component. an audio component is not an instrument. it is a reproducer, inaccurate though it may be".

Mr T - why so Black and White today when you are nornally in the middle?

For sure equipment that adds coloration can be thought of as "musical", IMHO (some euphonic designs). Stuff that just plays it "as it is" (on the recording) is usually described as "transparent" or "neutral".

Isn't a top DJ part of the musical process in a club?

How about a concert hall - these are sometimes described as "musical"...LOL ;-)
the term "musical" cannot refer to an audio component. an audio component is not an instrument. it is a reproducer, inaccurate though it may be".

Exactly. These days, the term "musical" is applied to everything but the quality of the original recording.
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i'm not sure the term to describe how this amp replays it,
but i can hear every detail with outstanding clarity and depth, hard to describe, it is very punchy and warm at the same time. it sounds better than my mid-fi separates by a good margin.
the term "musical" cannot refer to an audio component. an audio component is not an instrument. it is a reproducer, inaccurate though it may be".

the qualities of music--pitch, timbre, and harmonics are contained in a recording.

if a component exaggerates bass and treble it produces an unbalanced frequency response, not a sound basis for recreating accuracy of timbre.