Musical yet Detailed DAC Around $700

I'm looking for a DAC in the $700 range to match or better the sound I've been getting from my Arcam Alpha 9 CD player. The Alpha 9 uses the original Ring DAC and is known for it's smooth, detailed, musical sound. I listen to a wide variety of music, from James Taylor to the Red Hot Chili Peppers and all types of jazz.

My source is a new Mac Mini. I've read a lot of debate about the the merits of Coax and USB interfaces to this computer. I not really concerned whether my new DAC is USB or coax and I don't really want to go there. For coax use, I have a Theta jitter reduction unit which has been working really well with the Musical Fidelity X DAC (original can version) that I've been using. I feel confident that I can get excellent sound from either style of DAC. My music is all ripped into Apple lossless from the original CD's so the quality should be CD quality.

My question here is mainly concerned about the sound of the different DAC's that I see available. I like a listenable, non-analytic sound, best described as a combination of "tube-like liquidity" and "transistor-like detail". I also like equipment that is described as musical and non-fatiguing, however I don't want to give up too much detail. Am I asking too much?

I'm also a little afraid to get back into tubes because I sometimes like to leave the equipment on overnight and also the cost of NOS tubes seems to keep going up. However I will consider a tube DAC if it sounds good using modern, reasonably priced tubes.

My system consists of Musical Fidelity A3.2CR preamp, A3CR amp, ProAc Response 2.5 speakers, Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cables and Audioquest IC's.

There seems to be a nice list of DAC's that fit my needs. I think I'd be happy with any of the ones on this list. Can anyone comment on the relative sounds of these or offer some advice? (A'goners are the BEST!)

Wavelength Brick (tube)
Bel Canto DAC2
PS Audio Digital Link III
Apogee Mini
Audio Note 1.1x
Audio Research DAC 2
UltraFi Iroc (tube?)

There are a couple more DACs I could get for about $1000. This would be a little above my threshold of pain. I'm wondering if the extra money would be well-spent, considering the rest of my system, or should I put that money towards a power conditioner and power cables.

MF Tri-Vista
Kora Hermes (tube)

Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by audiojedi

Although you would have to buy used to hit the price point that you are after, the Lavry Black DA10 would likely be pleasing to your ears. I have a CD23T as well as a Squeezebox/Lavry combo in my system and the Lavry does a great job in comparison to the Arcam. Admittedly, I would not part with my Arcam player(I have a nice collection of HDCD's) at this point but the Lavry has a nice mix of detail and musicality which is a similar balance to what the CD23T has. I would say that the Arcam has a touch more sparkle up top and the Lavry has more impact on the bottom end but overall they are both really fun to listen to.