Musical system for under $2K?

My nephew stayed with us this past weekend, and was bitten by the "audio bug"...he now wants to put together an "affordable" music system for his appartment based around a CD player, an integrated amp, and a pair of monitor speakers. He listens mostly to classical and jazz, but also to rock from time to time. Any favorite combos? I'd prefer it if you limit your suggestions to systems that you own (or have owned) and that you have found to be musically accurate and satisfying over the long haul. His total budget, including stands, wire, and interconnects is just about $2000, and he is open to buying used if it helps him get more for his money. Thanks in advance for all your help. Deborah.

Showing 1 response by megasam

Here is a great system for your price range, prices are for new equipment, PSB Image 2 speakers $300.......Attacama 21" speaker stands $99.....8ft Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker cable pair $150....Musical Fidelity X-A2 integrated, 75w $700....Musical Fidelity A3CD player $1000....Analysis plus copper oval 0.5m interconnects $200.....Monster HTS200 power conditioner $125....grand total for new equipment is $2500 slightly over budget, you could get cheaper CD player but this MF A3CD based system will produce amazingly good sound, CD player quality will be most important at this budget level.......many of these items can be purchased from Audio Advisor online, Sam (yes I have heard all these myself)