Musical subwoofer under $2000

I’m looking for advice on what vendors to look at as l’d really like to add a subwoofer to my 2 channel setup. The room is c. 30x15 feet or 42 square meters with low ceiling of about 7.5 feet or 2.2 meters. Budget is c.$2,000 and my 2 channel speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. My amp offers pre-out connection. I’d like REL but their S range is now too expensive, so something close in musicality would be great. 


Showing 10 responses by sparksgja

Thanks for the feedback on looking at the SVS sb-2000 pro and going for two. As for musical I just meant I wasn’t looking for home theatre sound but just a sub for use with music, so not boomy or obvious apart from adding low end that isn’t fully there with the SF. I’ll definitely look at the SVS.

Thanks again for all the food for thought about what to consider. I’m going to research all your suggestions.

Thanks everyone again. I think I’m getting the message that 2 are better than one and that I should budget for that in the future. REL being old school interesting as more modern offer DSP, Bluetooth etc. I have been looking at Arendal 1723 S. Thought about REL T9xi too. Lots to consider, and really grateful for every suggestion.

I listen to a wide range of music - rock, pop, country, electronic, opera, classical orchestral and lots of piano and jazz. I had a friend around about a month ago and he has Triton speakers with built in subs and commented on how my low bass wasn’t there, not badly, but just there was more low bass I was missing. I also feel the low end will give me more presence and atmosphere. I’m not displeased with my system and the midrange and top end are both great. I play mostly CDs and the PSAudio transport and Bel Canto DAC combined with the Pathos amp is revealing but not analytically detailed, but still detailed and tends to being slightly warm, which is great as the speakers are very neutral and I do have lots of hard surfaces. Again thanks kennyc; audiorusty; and sounds-real-audio for your valuable input and I’m hoping kennyc is getting value too as what he describes he is after is the same. 

 To everyone who has responded to my search for advice I cannot overstate how grateful I am for all the links, personal experiences and knowledge being shared. I don’t know if it’s making the task any easier as it looks like there are so many options to explore. The audiorusty link to the sounddoctor articles is eye opening and thank you soix for your insights.

@kennyc  (Just found out how to include replies to individuals!) Articulate is what I want and getting real sound of the instrument (cello, double bass etc.) I'm leaning heavily now to ordering a single Rythmik E15HP2 to start and then going from there. I must admit the app capabilities of both Arendal and SVS appeal too, but with SVS I cannot get a white finish in the model I'd go for and I think the 15" woofer size of the Rythmik would move more air in my room. 

@soix I think your suggestion to go for one of  the F12G instead is right as I am still conflicted about going so large and I thought @noodlyarm comments of using F12G’s we’re interesting about room size and his Totem speakers. 

Thanks again for all the advice. Right now I'm considering the Rythmik F12 XLR3 gloss white with A370XLR3 amp  or the Arendal 1723 SUBWOOFER 1S in satin white - with the option to go to two later, if needed. I must also admit I'm tempted by the Arendal 1723 SUBWOOFER 2S at $2,500 as a one and done solution.

Like many I was leaning to REL (but only because there is so much hype around them) but from a value for money perspective their prices have leaped enormously in the past 2 years and made them much less attractive from a value perspective.

By the way I saw another thread yesterday on DAC's
and was fascinated by the BARD AI review from @ghdprentice  AI since its trained on existing data is highly susceptible to information bias too, but nonetheless maybe something Audiogon should be looking at and using members feedback?

@saboros thank you for that input. I'm really torn between the two right now, but I think I like the Arendal better, so this helps.

@soix thanks again for your advice I'll go the cheaper route as I understand the x2 route will be better.