Musical Speakers - If you like that sort of thing.

I love it when people will post that a particular speaker may not be the most neutral or accurate or resolving, but it sure is musical. Ummm...why do audiophiles want speakers that are less musical? "My speakers make most music sound like rubbish, but they're the best I've ever heard".

Showing 1 response by martykl


The people on this site are, for the most part, audio hobbyists. Audio hobbyists often (though not necessarily always) want to hear what is on the recording - for better or for worse. For many 'goners, that is precisely the point of this hobby. If a record is poorly recorded, they want to hear that when they play it.

OTOH, a less dogmatic music lover may want to optimize for best sound across his/her particular music collection - regardless of the accuracy of the reproduction. The problem recordings that I own are almost uniformly troubled in the same way - tipped up and bright. Therefore, I do like certain speakers that tend to ameliorate that problem - even at the expense of marginally degrading the sound of my better sounding records. Actually I roate thru more than one pair of speakers - largely for this very reason.

I don't know that one is better than than the other, but I think that the "accuracy" camp prevails here. Two different pursuits - two different goals. Truth vs. beauty, perhaps?
