Musical Speakers - If you like that sort of thing.

I love it when people will post that a particular speaker may not be the most neutral or accurate or resolving, but it sure is musical. Ummm...why do audiophiles want speakers that are less musical? "My speakers make most music sound like rubbish, but they're the best I've ever heard".

Showing 1 response by jaxwired

Marty, well said. I totally agree. However, I think that most audio hobbyist are balancing both interests. They are pursuing ulitimate accuracy, but they are also pursuing musical enjoyment. I mean if you've got zero interest in musical enjoyment and it's all about accuracy, you might as well be listening to test tones or something like that. And yes, I know that some people do. I've been to audio shows and wondered why we were listening to south american wood mouse mating calls. But for most people, I would guess that a big part of the goal of getting accuracy is because increased accuracy results in increased musical enjoyment. If that's not a big part of their goal now, it surely was when they started in the hobby.

This is true for me. I got into this hobby because I love music and a high quality system delivered better music. So for me, having the most musical system is the ultimate goal. No other goal really makes sense to me.