Musical Paradise Int Amp MP 301 MK l : A FUSE Question

I have the original MP 301 MK l .

I checked the fuse value and it reads  F 3AL - 250 volt . ( fast blow ) 

I did much research to find out if that is the correct fuse for this unit.

The MK ll and MK lll fuses are T 1 A 250 volts ( slow blow )

I emailed Musical Paradise but as yet have had no response.

Does anyone have this MP 301 unit ( The First edition ) and can tell me if you have the same fuse in your amp as I have in mine.

Thank you

in yours.


I don't have this amp, so I can't answer your question.  However, the real question is: are you blowing fuses?  If not, I wouldn't worry about it since a fast blow is somewhat safer for your equipment than a slow blow, assuming a slow blow was originally specified.  The difference is nuisance fuse blowing for the fast blow at turn on.   Turn on is normally when the biggest surge current occurs and the line fuse has to handle that surge.   That does not mean a fast blow is the wrong fuse, however.  Whichever fuse you end up putting in there, do make sure it has that 250V rating!   That is a really big deal, which some folks don't fully understand.