Musical or scientific/technical background?

Having been asked (well not me personally, but all of Audiogondom in general) how much I was worth, I think my question is not too bold. How many out there have studied music in some way or another? How many have studied physics, electronics, electrical engineering? No, I am not limmiting it to a degree in any of these fields, self-taught people are included in my query. I am sorry if some existing thread may have covered this, having now discovered that some of the topics I put out were not brand spanking new. Some may think I have an ulterior motive, perhaps. Don't we all some kind of agenda. Please don't feel threathened, step right up, express yourself.

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I have studied both music (about 2/3 of an undergraduate degree) and physics/math (ph.d). Have also played 3 instruments and taught one.
Strong music backgrounds are very,very common among engineers working in the audio industry. Music is what draws people here in the first place.