Musical Fidelity KW Mono's or Chord SPM 1400E's

I've got a tough decision to make. Stay with my Musical Fidelity KW Monoblocks which I have connected single ended to a Chord Electronics CPA 5000 Preamp or spring for a pair of Chord SPM 1400E monoblocks that I can connect balanced? I've always heard to get the most out of the Chord Preamp I should run it with Chord amps.


Showing 2 responses by fm540i

Appreciate your comments. Understand the issue of front end balance. My front end is a QSonix server to Accustic Arts Tube DAC II. Raven AC3 TT with ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 Phono Preamp. I did away with my Esoteric gear several years ago. I got tired of sifting through 800 plus cd's.

Appreciate your comments. The Chord equipment is revealing.
I have the Chord CPA 5000 preamp now mated to a set of KW Monoblocks. It sounds great but wonder if an all Chord system would be better.