Musical Fidelity A3cr Upgrade Question

I have been using my audio system as follows.
Spks: ProAc Response 1sc
PreAmp: Musical Fidelity A3cr PreAmp
PowerAmp: Musical Fidelity A3cr Power Amp
CD Player: Primare D20 (recently replaced by MF's A5 CD Player)

I have listened to A5cr, A5 Intgrated Amp and did not recall their main differences in terms of quality.

1. Is it a sensible upgrade to keep my A3cr PreAmp but replace my A3cr Power Amp with A5cr Power Amp? This will
save me cost.

2. If I replace the A3cr's with the A5 Integrated Amp,
would it be a better/worse 'upgrade' than my A3cr's?

3. I love the D20's sweet sound for female vocals, and now I have got A5CD, which is a much higher end and detailed CD player. Shall I keep my D20 and use it occcasionally or simply sell it and get on with my A5CD? I know this sounds a stupid question to ask, but would really like some comments from experienced people here.


Based on the recommendation, look like I should buy the A5cr PreAmp first and plug it into the A3cd Poweramp and enjoy the quality gain! However, if I make things a bit complicated for myself this time; say, first buy the A5cr power Amp to replace my A3cr PowerAmp. Then, listen for a while, and look for another brand PreAmp.

Or should I simply get the whole set of A5cd so that it seems it will go well with the A5cd which I have already got.?


Thanks. Yours is surely good experience.
Look like I should buy the A5cr PreAmp first and plug it
into the A3cd Poweramp and enjoy the quality gain!

I heard about the famous KW500 Int.Amp. May be I should ask the shop to do a AB comparision with the A5cr Pre + A3cr Pow before I invest an upgrade.

Have you listened to the PS Audio Amps. I recently had a AB compare demo of the PS Audio Amp vs A5cr; my first impression is the A5cr has produced a much sweeter female vocal than the PS Audio. Anyhow, PS Audio seems to be more dynamic and more musical.The speakers I listened to were Dynaudio Confidence C1.
I replaced my Krell KRC-3 Pre-Amp and KSA-50S Power Amp with the MF A308cr Pre-Amp and Power Amp. It was a fantastic upgrade.

After talking to a dealer no less, he suggested that I replace the A308cr Pre-Amp with a good tube Pre-Amp, but keep the A308cr Power Amp.

I did that and have never regretted it. I would suggest that you do that too, go with either a tube Pre-Amp or at least a better Pre-Amp. The MF Amplifiers seem to be extremely good.

I just read a review that the new A5cr Power Amp is the best of the A3.2cr and A308cr Power Amps. But I believe that upgrading your Pre-Amp first will give you the biggest bang for the buck.

By the way, have you heard the KW500 Integrated Amp. It's really nice!
