Musical Fidelity A300 or VTL IT 85 for Mag 1.6QR

Ok, another Maggie question. I scanned the threads for the 1.6, but wanted to get some comments regarding a couple of specific integrateds with the 1.6QR. Specifically the MF A300 (solid state 150wpc) or VTL IT 85 (tube 85 wpc). I lean towards tubes, but don't know if 85 tube watts into the Maggies 4 ohms will drive them well, and price IS a consideration for considering more power from tubes.

Comments, suggestions? I do listen to most everything - Classical (both chamber and orchestral), jazz (acoustic to contemporary electronic), pop/rock (well, just a little).



Showing 1 response by chelillingworth

The Vtl is a 60W amp

Not a powerhouse by any means.
Consider the Creek 5350se as a musical choice with solid drive. Remember many things can cause a forward sound, the least of which being a cd player. The A300 may yet prove to be a good choice as well.