Musical Fidelity A1 I

What is cost to have repair center recap and replace volume knob on an A1 amp? And what is a fair price in that amp? The volume knob is missing and much of the lettering near the control knobs has worn off. Should I maybe look for a newer model with less wear? I need an amp $500 - $1000 used or new for Triangle Altea ESW speakers and Oppo 105. I want to make the right purchase so Triangle's sound good. Thanks! P.S. I know squat when it comes to hifi gear, systems, etc. Do I need additional gear to play my CDs and SACDs? 
Good for you second guessing that particular used amp. It sounds like it’s had a hard life!  
Yes, there are a lot of uncertainties with a 35 yr unit. Ok my new thread in the amp section, russ69 has shared that he owns Triangle's. I feel his recommendations are sound. Just not sure if I need a better dac than my Oppo Sabre dac, to get better sound from my SACDs. Want to do it right the first time if I can. 

My mistake. It is in this thread that russ is helping me. I really appreciate both of you. There is a lot of technical information regarding this hobby compared to my other hobbies. I need to read more!