musical drummers...who are they ???

the elusive it..... what drummers have it ??

Ringo, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jeff Porcaro,Anton Fig, Dave Weckl, Vinnie C, can't put my finger on it, but they just play....the music...any thoughts ??
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A few that were missed:

Ainsley Dunbar (Zappa), Danny Seraphine (Chicago), Stewart Copeland (Police), Jeff Porcaro (Toto)
Oh, and another Zappa alumni...Chad Wackerman. He writes his own stuff which is very fusion oriented. I am a little biased here since my son studied under Chad's father, Chuck Wackerman, while playing in the Los Alamitos HS Jazz band. A great teacher, who has 3 sons that are proffessional drummers. Youngest son Brooks Wackerman has done work with Danny Elfman and an extended stint with "Suicidal Tendancies" amoung others.
My favorite drummer Chad Wackerman.
here's some more Steve Smith, Kirk Covington.
Alot of greats already mentioned but Antonio Sanchez of the Pat Metheny Group currently gets my vote.
I didn't see him mentioned, maybe I missed it. There are lots of good drummers mentioned already BUT Cozy Powell did some great work with Rainbow and later with someone else that I can't think of now. During the 70's Barriemore Barlow was an outstanding drummer for Jethro Tull.

I'm not sure about the 'musical' part. Rythmn is part of music, but is it musical?