musica bella leanna preamp

  Looking to buy a used tube preamp and this one has peaked my interest.  I would be pairing it with a digital amp.  I can't find much info.  online on this preamp and was wondering if anyone had heard this preamp before,  thanks

Showing 2 responses by dragon_vibe

I have one for sale and advertised it over at Ebay.

For what its worth. In my personal opinion after using it for 2 years, it is an excellent sounding pre-amp. Not too warm or sterile it has a nice live-warmish sound to it. Bass is outstanding for a Tube-pre and ofcourse so are the Mids. The VTPS Power Supply ad that magical feeling you get with tubes.
Oh, the one I have was fully maxed out by Bill baker. This unit has Bybee installed on both Input and output stages, Vcap Upgrades and Cryogenic treated Internal wiring. The VTPS Power Supply is in a separate chassis I paid a lot more for this as I wanted to keep the power supply away from the critical areas.