Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?

Showing 6 responses by dekay

David: Chilling answer, not even close. As best as I can recall the album may have been released in around 1972-73 and cannot be traced (legaly anyway) to GH.
Here's one that I think that I may have mentioned on a past thread. What album did George Harrison produce and play guitar on for which there was no official (and legal) credit(s) given? I suspect that he wrote all of the material as well.
David99: Sorry I have been blocked out of posting again last night and today. The George Harrison album and band was "Dark Horse", also I beleive on Dark Horse Records and there may have been two albums released, but I cannot remember for sure. The P. Roducer was "Harry Georgeson" and it was obvious that Harrison did the guitar work. He did not sing on the album because Apple (with whom he was in contract with at the time and with whom he was thourougly disgusted with) could have proved through voice analysis that it was him performing. Their were two vocalists in the band who both sang at the same time and when they did they sounded very much like GH. The rumor was that they were two unknowns that had been selected for this combined talent (or parroting ability) that they had.
Bluenose: Did the reverb have something to do with the spacing between heads on a tape deck? I get a lot of this stuff confused, but seem to recall something like that.