Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?

Showing 13 responses by cornfedboy

tubegroover: think you're a little confused. william howard taft was the eggman. -kelly
ok, let's get more than one going at once. this one slightly tougher than david's first: why did harry nilsson sell his flat in london and to whom did he sell it?

BTW, david, a tiger can't change his spots. ;~)
estrand: "....of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax---of cabbages and kings--and why the sea was boiling hot--and whether pigs have wings." chas. lutwidge dodgson (lewis carroll), "the walrus and the carpenter."
ok, times up. bbloom came closest to the answers but not quite. here's the story:

by the late 60's/early 70's harry nilsson was recording and performing frequently in the uk. it, thus, made sense to him to buy a flat in london as a "home away...". since harry wasn't a full-time resident of the uk, he frequently loaned his flat (on curzon place in mayfair) to friends. one friend, mama cass eliott, died in his bed in 1974. four years later another good friend, kieth moon, died in the same flat, on the same bed. harry, understandably, wasn't keen on keeping his place, let alone trying to find rest in the seemingly fatal bedroom. fortunately, he was able to unload the curzon place flat, selling it to yet another friend of his, kieth and mama cass, pete towshend.

interesting "small world" story, eh. -kelly
david: don't let all those + votes go to your head, now. just remember that, purportedly, the majority of lottery winners blow their rewards in a year or less. -kelly (who's much happier being your friend than your adversary)
the subtitle to alice's restaurant is something like "the great thanksgiving day masacree."
re: john lennon's death. i was watching monday night football. howard cosell broke the news. my older son, who turns 32 this week, reminded me quite recently that i was so stunned that i awakened him, then a gradeschooler, to tell him, already a beatles fan, the sad, sad news. -kelly