Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?

Showing 9 responses by albertporter

OK, here is a tacky one. What famous rock star preferred wearing womans panties under his blue jeans, rather than the male variety?
This one is really obscure, who are the children seen posing on Led Zeppelins, "Houses of the Holy"?

Another Beatles one, what (then) rare automobile was purchased by John and Yoko, shortly after their arrival in NYC?
John, correct on the Mercedes, but the children on HOTH are Robert Plants. I agree with Undertaker4 on the Telecaster on Zeppelin 1.
Rcprince, correct on Cindi Lauper for Peewees Playhouse music. And Estrnad, very observant! Yes to Clockwork Orange on Heaven 17, a wonderful film by my favorite director, in "2001" and every other year.
Angela, that is the funniest post you have ever done. Don't spill your drink on the Junkies, unless its green wine.
OK, since no one wants to guess which famous rock star likes ladies undies, here is a tough one.

Who played lead guitar for David Bowie on his Glass Spider Tour? This guitar player later formed his own band and is one of my all time favorites.
Oh, forgot to say. I gave a +2 for both of you for your expert answers. This was promised in the rules set by David 99.
The Glass Spider tour featured Stevie Ray Vaughn, and also correct about Rod Stewart, guess his were not clean and was just looking to cover himself, right?

Here is another obscure one, what famous female 80's rocker did the intro music for Pee Wee's Playhouse, with our friend Pee Wee Herman?

And where did the band "Heaven 17" get the idea for their name?
Looks like Undertaker4 has the answer Sedond. My data was from a web site called "into the 80's", where I was looking for Stevie Ray Vaughn info.

Either the data for SRV was published at the site, and then the contract dispute happened (and never updated), or they did not care that it was incorrect. I never attended the Glass Spider tour, as I am not a Bowie fan, so I had no personal experience. I admit I would have been tempted to go, if only due to the presence of SRV.