Music that always ends up being played

It don't matter how much music seems to come and go. I always play certain music. Example Peter Wolf "Sleepless". Rolling Stones " Black and Blue". Beth Orton "Central Reservation" Eva Cassidy " Live at Blues Alley". These are just a few out of many. It's like they will never leave. Some stuff never dies. You know you have to give the Stones credit, Playing music for all these years. Just think if you were Mick. Having all the money you could stand and still going on tour. Tour has to be painful and very hard on the rich old boys. I know if I had there kind of money, I'd be sitting back. Have to give them credit for staying up with the concert thing so long. They must really love what they do. I envy them. Not just for the money but, for there content to play music on stage live and be happy about it!
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In recent years, Lyle Lovett's 'Step Inside This House' has rarely gotten re-filed; it's always next to the CD player
I seem to turn to the three albums that Soul Coughing put out all the time - "Ruby Vroom", "Irresitible Bliss" and "El Oso". Pretty good sonically, amazing production. Alt-rockish, interesting samples, but jazz influenced as all the band members were jazz players in the NY circuit that were hand picked and assembled by the lead singer. He was a doorman at a NY jazz club who decided to do something "different" from the norm and knew the guys he selected could pull it off from hearing them play at the club he doored.

Another is Lisa Ekdahl - "When Did You Leave Heaven" and "Back to Earth" on which she recorded with the Peter Nordhal Trio. Well recorded, great sonics. Jazz standard covers abound. Lisa's voice is child-like and angelic. Pretty easy on the eyes as well. She sings in English on these two albums.
Paul Simon - Graceland
kd lang - Absolute Torch and Twang

Great recordings, great music