Music Servers, Do They Matter?

The Occasional Podcast host Brian Hunter is joined by digital designer and Innous Director Nuno Vitorin. 

In more analog mindset, does it make as much sense to evaluate a separate music server in the same terms as one might consider a cartridge to a turntable? In addition to thinking about the why, Nuno discusses much of the how – including where to get started and what to look for. 

The discussion starts at the very beginning of source material. Listen, learn and hopefully adapt your way to a better listening experience.

Showing 1 response by in_shore

I sure like my music server , it’s my third in four years coming from a dedicated transport and separate dac I’d never go back too.

Today I’m experiencing the best playback quality I’ve ever experienced so far in my home , 432 Evo Aeon server and Holo May KTE dac both purchased completely on spec late last year ,the playback performance turned out spectacularly well.For me it’s what’s up stream of the dac .