Music Server vs Computer?

Currently streaming music from a PC to a modded Airport Express that's connected to my pre. The Wyred4Sound music server looks really inviting. Appears to do everything my PC does. Ripping cds sounds like a breeze and storage capacity is great (1T or 2T). All I have to do is link it with a DAC. Are there any disadvantages, to include SQ, to using a music server vs using a PC/MAC? Seems to me that they both use HDs for storage, but that SQ with the MS might be better because streaming is eliminated.

Showing 2 responses by rockyboy

Thanks for the suggestion. Not familiar w/ but will certainly see what those folks have to say.
Need to follow up on Steve Nugent's comments of 11-19. Music Vault seems to have no negatives. Has a 2 TB internal HD for storage and a second 2 TB drive for auto backup. Uses dbpoweramp for ripping and JRiver for play. Can save in any format, to include WAV. Add a DAC of your choice and it seems to be a very user friendly system. I can try to cobble together a bunch of hardware and software, but not sure I can do it for much less cost and achieve any better SQ. Please tell me where I'm wrong.