Music Server - The Search Begins

I recently upgraded my amp to a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400, which incorporates the highest quality DAC I have owned, so it's gotten me to seriously consider adding a music server to my system.  
I've been mainly playing records through my system for the past 8 years, so I really haven't paid much attention to the digital side of things.  I need some help figuring out what's ideal for my needs.
The main criteria I have:
- Needs to be able to store a lot of music because I have thousands of CDs and downloads I want to store in one place
- Should have its own CD ripper
- Needs to be easy to use. I'd like to be able to navigate it without having to use a phone, tablet or computer all the time
- Must be reliable.  Glitchy, buggy systems will end up being returned.
- Must sound good, but doesn't need to be in the top 5% of its class.  
- Should be under $3K (but willing to consider higher priced if the benefits are really worth it)

Servers that I've been considering include the Cocktail Audio X50D, Sony HAP-Z1ES, BlueSound Vault, Melco N1.  I realize that not all of these on my list include every criteria I listed above, hence my plea for help.  

If you have experience using a server that you really like and that might make sense for me please share your experiences.  Thanks so much!!



Showing 11 responses by uberwaltz

Good luck with the Cocktail x50

Hope you are happy with it but I have to tell you I ordered a X30 for my daughter and ended up returning it as it just did not sound good at all.
Hard to describe but my opinion was that is was more "lifestyle" than "audiophile".Think that is why there is a paucity of reviews to be had.

I would have warned you away from Cocktail but you did not give much indication you would be even considering that option seriously.

And truly, 2tb of storage is massive, 2500cds and I am only 17% storage used and that is wav files.

Keep us informed as I am intrigued.

I guess I knew but did not know that if you get my
Yes I use a Mytek Brooklyn and I do not think any NAD dac would better that anyway so maybe a moot point

I believe you could be right on it having been a bug that has subsequently been resolved. I am also fairly sure I tried both Usb ports early on( purchased in Dec 2016) and neither worked for playback. Add this to the fact that the help article I viewed today was dated Feb 2018.

Additional there is an excellent help article for setting up shared folders on win10 os that even I could follow by Bluesound too.

All in all outstanding customer support IMHO.

Now it will be interesting to see if they bring to the market a more upscale product maybe with a ssd drive and usb output to a DAC.

I would be interested based on present experience.

  The USB port on the Vault2 is for playback into a usb DAC not for attaching HDs.  I had also tried initially attaching a HD to it.
  I have added a NAS to my system and both my Vault2 and Node2 recognizes it.  I use the Bluesound app to play files from it.  It shows up as a separate folder in the Libraries section of the app.  With a little fiddling you can also transfer the contents of the Vault to the NAS, so all my music shows up on one folder.

After perusing the Bluesound help files and actually trying it I can confirm the Vault 2 does indeed recognise and playback music from a local USB drive inserted into the back of the unit. You have to connect it to the second port down not the top USB port. It then shows up under your navigation drawer as usb, click it and you can access the music contained via the folders option.

Between this and accessing NAS ( which I have also now cracked, Win10 setup being the issue) it makes the Bluesound Vault 2 a very powerful and versatile option for the grand sum of $1000 to $1200 depending on what deal you can find.

I have had it 18 months and only just now figured out it can do a lot more than I ever did with it....doh!
Thanks Mahler
Now at least I know I am not going crazy wondering whay it will not see the external hard drive that is connected via usb to the vault.
So with that part my initial thoughts were correct, it is for a hard drive to back files up to only.

As I have no further music files bar what is on my vault and pc it really does not worry me too much now but good to know for future reference and for potential new buyers.
And apparently you can just add files directly from your PC without needing to rip the CD.

No idea why I stated could not previously as I remember adding a load of my daughter's mp3 files to the library direct at PC.

But I still do not see a Usb drive when plugged in back of the vault so not sure what is going on there.

I wonder if it is only the Bluesound models that do NOT have a built in hard drive that can see external storage.
I cannot on my vault, at least not with it plugged into the usb port of the vault.

Any other Vault owners chime in? Could very well be I am missing something.

Not that I have any other files on any other drive bar an exact copy of what's on the vault but now I am very curious.
As I said, to my knowledge it does not.
I know when I have my external hard drive connected to it by Usb I cannot see it either via the app or PC.

Maybe there is a workaround?
As far as I am aware you can only view and play the files that have been ripped to the Vault internal hard drive.
Connecting an external hard drive to it is for backup of your existing internal hard drive only, you cannot access the external hard drive through the Vault to play anything from it.

Now as far as cataloguing of the music on the internal hard drive it could not be easier, it gives you many options of how to look for your music, by artist, album, song etc.
It rarely fails to find the correct metadata for any ripped album, I think I had maybe 4 failures and these were all very old and obscure British bands. This is easily resolved though by the use of a third party program and editing the metadata via your PC where the Vault shows up as a storage unit. Heck this is also by far the quickest way to delete albums as well.... but not to add them I tried! 

And yes I would say the app for the Vault is about as friendly as any app can be on both android and ipad.
I would say the Bluesound vault2 hits all your marks EXCEPT the control by phone, tablet request.
However the Bluos app is so good and non glitchy ever that I do not consider it a hassle in any sense.
Average rip time for a CD is 7 to 8 minutes, I have never had a single rip issue and with 2tb inbuilt hard drive about 5to6000 cds I would say. It is nice that you can connect an external 2tb usb hard drive and back your collection up just in case....

But for me the Vault2 is a winner on its streaming capabilities.
Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Radio Paradise, Quboz all at your fingertips in one simple app, Bluos.

Constant updates via Bluesound on both the Vault2 and the Bluos app have also impressed me.

I have had mine for over 18 months and now I do not know what I did before it arrived!

Yes I sound like a broken record on the subject of the Vault2 but if anybody has kept up with my equipment changes you would know for it to be still here after 18 months it has to be special!