Music server quality.

Has technology progressed to the point where a music server will outperform the very best CD player, or do the very best players still sound better than the very best music servers?

Showing 5 responses by kana813

If you pockets are deep enough, here another one:
The Slim Devices Transporter just got an A rating in the
4/07 issue of Stereophile. If you already have a PC, the Transporter makes more sense(less cables & boxes) than spending alot of money to upgrade a Squeezebox, M-Transit or Waveterminal to feed a DAC.
"these servers do not have backup ability"

This isn't true, most of the music servers I've seen have
USB or wireless connections which allow for backup to an external HD or PC.

Here's info on the Cambridge Audio unit:
Henryhk- Great info. It would be interesting to compare the
MSB Tech IPOD system to a MacPowerbook feeding the same DAC
via it's built-in digital output.

You say "nothing beats Sonus," I guessing you're referring to
the Sonus display remote, but how does the Sonus sound quality compare to Mac set ups, and is the Sonus software as easy to use as iTunes?