Music Reference RM-200

I want to get a hybrid amp. I've read everything I could on the RM-200 (from forums and the Stereophile article) and everything sounds positive. I don't want to spend more than 3-3.5K used or new. I also am considering a Moscode 401HR, Van Alstine Fet Valve Ultra 550, and Monarchy SE-250 monoblocks.

What I haven't read are too many comparisons of the RM-200 with other amps. Anyone have any comments on what they thought of the RM-200 when they heard it. Better or worse than what? Granted, better and worse are subjective terms and none of the amps I mentioned are slouches. I'd probably be happy with any of them.

Whatever amp I get will mate with Salk Sound V3 speakers (or maybe the HT3 if I can swing the extra cost) and my RAM modified Ack Dack (fed from a Bolder modifed Squeezebox).
I have owned the RM-200 for three years now. It drives my B&W 802s in an all-tube system. I have used Bryston 7B ST (very good), Pass X-600 (great), Butler TDB -2250 (excellent), Sonic Frontier Power 2 & 3 (both excellent), VTL ST-150 (excellent-plus)...and then came the Music Reference (all of the above and more in my system). By the way, when you read that B&Ws need "tons-and-tons" of SS power to really shine, cut the review out and use it to line a bird cage. What they need is "quality" power.

My tastes in music run mainly from classical music to old-fart (Davis, Brubeck, Coltrane, Evans, etc.) jazz. Beign a lucky (read: surviving) OF myself, I do confess to a weakness for some ’60s-’70s rockers and soul music (Otis, Aretha. Ray, Temptations, etc.)

The RM-200 is a incredible design with impeccable workmanship. I re-bias every three months, not because it needs it, but because I don't want to forget how to do it (by the way, a breeze even for a non-technophile like yours truly). I use EH KT-88s for the power tubes.

I read (maybe here?) that there was a monobloc design coming sometime from Music Reference. If that were to be true, then I would, maybe, think of changing out the RM-200. Not selling it, though!

Best of luck.

My experience is with the RM-10, I use two of them in mono block, so I also can’t comment directly about the RM-200 although I have listened to it a couple of times. I whole hardily agree with Pabul57’s comments regarding build quality and reliability of Music Reference amps. BTW Vvrinc, it is my understanding that the RM-300 mono blocks are available. Check the Music Reference website and price list, or call Roger.
Wow, those are some good responses. Siliab, I really appreciate your detailed comparisons with other amps. Gives me more to look into.
Not to get off of the subject of RM comparing but... I have read someplace where Salk and Van Alstine have been working together on their products . I believe that Van Alstine uses Salk's speakers in his own system and vice versa . Something to think about . Synergy is king in this hobby .

Good luck .
Yes, I've read about the Salk/Van Alstine synergy. I totally agree with synergy as being key. My only hesitation is that the AVA gear doesn't look as nice as the RM-200, I want an amp where I won't feel the need to upgrade, and the reliability is top notch. Although I think the AVA stuff is reliable, I am wondering if the RM-200 is just a better level of amp.

Someone who has had lots of high end gear in his system did a comparison between the Fet Valve Ultra 500 and the Moscode 401HR and came away feeling the Moscode was better in most aspects. Granted, the differences were not great and he felt the AVA amp was really good. I am just wondering if the RM-200 or the Moscode would be a step up.