Music Reference RM-200

Was the original RM-200 rated class A or just the MK.2? I remember both of them being, but I want some validation, someone has questioned me rudely about it. Also, can you sub a ECC180 for the 6BQ7 driver tube in the amp? 


Showing 4 responses by enobenetto

Thanks for the reply, but I should have clarified, I meant "Stereophile Class A" rated. 
Thanks for the help and clarification. I thought both versions were rated class A. This other person thinks that it's only the mk2 version and he thinks I'm intentionally misleading. I'm sure they sound different but that doesn't mean they both are not great amps. Some times designers change the model for a different audience who uses different kinds of speakers or that they just want to try something new and experiment. At first, I did not like the mk1 model but then I spent more time with it and realized how good it was with the tone and timbre of instruments, as well as the balance of other qualities throughout the frequency spectrum. I wish it did have a little more damped bass, but everything has tradeoffs. I will call Ram Labs about the tube swap because I know that they are used in these amps in unique ways. 

Does anyone have suggestions for a good balanced tube preamp?  
I picked up the RM-200 recently from a local seller for $1500. I'm not sure if the tubes were originally from Roger because none of them have the Ram Labs print on them. They came with Gold Lion KT88's, which I know that your Clio and Roger sell. The drivers are Sylvania 6BQ7A's, which I don't think are matched. 

I also own the RM-10mk2. I'm not sure if I can afford to hang on to both, but it's too hard to decide between the two!!! They are both awesome, different, but also similar in things like rhythm, imaging, quietness, and drive. Where they differ might be to tube pre matching (they are both being driven by a Juicy Music Peach). The RM-10 seemingly more clear/air and has a little more punch. The 200 has better tone and more grounded low end with a deeper soundstage, although it is little more full creating what sounds like some midbass bump ( I could being not describing this correctly). The RM-10 can be a little fatiguing at times, but I think if I drove with a passive (LDR perhaps) it might mellow things out. The 200 is smoother with less fatiguing highs. I think with the 200 there might be a little impence issue with the 15k unbalanced input of the 200 and the Peach output imp. of 3.5k

The Freya seems the most likely choice given the differential balance and the friendly price tag :)