Music Reference RM 10/Reference 3aMM

Has anyone tried the Music Reference RM10 MK II amplifier, with the Reference 3A MM DeCapo BE speaker?
I listen strictly to vinyl. All different kinds, but love Piano and Zappa orchestral/jazz  best.
I have Pro-ject RPM 10 EVO, a Bottlehead Phono Pre. into Rogue Super Magnum 99 pre.  
Right now I’m running my amplified Focal Solo 6BE speakers. I have a brand new Focal subwoofer. Sadly i’m still not satisfied with the sound. I’ve done acoustics.
The Solos are just not musical sounding to me. I get a high level of detail, good soundstage, and accurate bass. The sound seems dry.
I have to put my ear up to the speakers to hear any hum, So I think I have a good set up at the front end.
My room is 11’ x 13’ and has a low ceiling at 7’3”. 
 I will use the sub. The rogue pre. has two outputs - one can go to the sub amp, the other to the RM10 amp. 
 I’m wondering what people think of my idea? My first choice is to keep the RM product.


Showing 1 response by pehare

keep the RM10 - it's a keeper.   Check in with audiogon'er clio09 as to the synergy w/the Reference speakers he may have some experience.