Music lover or audiophile?

I think you have to decide, are you a music lover or audiophile?  I know the majority will say, both.
 I’m not so sure though. The nature of audiophilia is to get in there and fiddle with the tools, like any other hobbyist.  The difference in our hobby though is that presumably, our ultimate goal is to have the best musical experience we can get. The hobbyist is never really finished. The manipulation of the materials is the fun. The music lover, however, wants to get the most out of that esthetic experience.  
By continually plying materials, the audiophile is on an endless quest for better sound.
 After years of this quest, I’ve decided I can be a music lover or an audiophile.  I’m happy listening to my system now the way it is.  So, I’ve decided to be a music lover once again.

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What in the world could be wrong with either audiophile or music lover? It’s what people want and enjoy, and both seem pretty harmless at worst, and arguably pretty beneficial overall.

That being said, I have too many symptoms to deny being an audiophile, all the while telling people (and myself), honestly, that my audio pursuit is because I love the music. But, as others have observed, one does get to the end of the audiophile system-improving obsession (word chosen after careful deliberation and self-observation), where I am now. It’s been a productive pursuit--my system now makes the music sound beautiful and I love it. I’ve always envied those advanced souls (meant sincerely, not sarcastically) who’d enjoy the music if it was played on a transistor radio, feeling, honestly, that they know something I don’t. But I’m not one of ’em.

Let’s everybody keep enjoying.
Jim Heckman