Music Hall MMF-5

I tried to balance the tonearm. Manual said "the objective of balancing the tonearm (9) is to get the tonearm (9) to float parallel to the platter (5). First, left up the cueing lever (7). Lift, position, and hold the tonearm (9) between the tonearm rest (8) and the platter (5). Be careful, not to allow the cartridge to contact the plint (the turntable base). With your free hand turn the counterweight (6) counterclockwise or clockwise until the tonearm (9) floats freely, without the aid of your arm, in mid-air and parallel to the platter (5)." On one hand I tried to turn counterweight counterclockwise to make arm parrallel with base and other hand holding tonearm between tonearm rest and platter but no luck. Somehow I see arm can not parrallel with base when putting counterweight. I need help from you, audiogon experts.