Music Hall MMF-2: How much can it be improved?

If a better cartridge is used (like Shure M97XE, Grado Gold, or even Shure V15-III) would the turntable perform just as good as those better cartridges would offer?
The reviews of MMF-2 here and at are just so so. The weakest point seems to be its cheap arm. The motor seems to have a problem too.
Can the arm be upgraded? Replacing the mat would be any worthwhile? Should the motor be regularly oiled?

Showing 1 response by mwilson

I had a MMF 2.1 back a few years ago and tried a Shure M97XE on it. It wasn't much of an improvement, and I've heard the same cart sound better elswehere. I agree with the general sentiment about the arm on this table being a big weakness. It is what it is - a serviceable, affordable table without much upside beyond what's delivered stock. Given that there aren't any upgrade arms compatible with this table, it's a bit of a dead-end. I tried an upgrade mat as well, couldn't hear any difference. Don't upgrade it, replace it. I'd look at brands with more flexibility.