Music Hall MMF-2: How much can it be improved?

If a better cartridge is used (like Shure M97XE, Grado Gold, or even Shure V15-III) would the turntable perform just as good as those better cartridges would offer?
The reviews of MMF-2 here and at are just so so. The weakest point seems to be its cheap arm. The motor seems to have a problem too.
Can the arm be upgraded? Replacing the mat would be any worthwhile? Should the motor be regularly oiled?

Showing 1 response by ihcho

My current turntable is the Dual CS530 fully automatic belt drive turntable. I messed up with the anti-skating and it does not function properly, so I've been looking for a new TT.

I've tried lower versions of Grado (Black and a few lower ones) and Shure cartridges on the dual. Some differences among them, but not huge. But when I tried Shure M97XE, there was a big difference. I consider Shure M97XE as a good mid-fi cartridge, and by far it was the best cartridge I've tried.
I think Goldring Elan is about the same quality as Grado Black cartridge.

Am I wrong if I assume MMF-2 is a better TT than Dual CS530?
Well, actually I just bought MMF-2 and it is in transit. I also bought a Grado green cartridge and Shure V15-III, so I'll see if MMF-2 makes any difference on those cartridges.