Music Hall 9.3 vs 11.3 Turntable

Hi all, looking for informed opinions ,as in you have one, know them well etc , vs reading the same reviews and forum posts I have.

I have an opportunity to buy either of these at a nice deal so please don’t go down the “ you should buy” rabbit hole. Thanks

The 9.3 comes with or without a Goldring Eroica LX.

The 11.3 comes with or without a Ortofon Cadenza Black.

I am hoping this is my “ forever” table, I’m in my low sixties and not much of a gear swapper. I would use a Sutherland Phono Amp.

Here is where my thinking is at. The 9.3 would most probably be fabulous enough and i could upgrade cartridge in the future if I felt the need/ itch. 
The 11.3 has a better arm, more table isolation, better motor systems… my only hesitation, beside a big jump in cost is in certain reviews the Ortofon Black sounds like it could be a tiny bit harsh and finicky to get working at its peak

Do I get the 9.3 and possibly upgrade? Get the 11.3 without cartridge and buy an Ortofon Bronze? A Hana SL or ML?

The rest of my system is Harbeth SLH5 anniversary, Benchmark Amp and Dac3 and I am happy with it. Possible ( another big decision) upgrade to Harbeth 40.3 in future. 
Thanks for the well thought out and useful feedback ahead of time



Showing 3 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

You can love a great 'deal' but you cannot hear it. You will be listening to your choice for years.

I prefer a removable headshell, for optional cartridges, both of these are fixed arms. Also an arm with easily adjustable arm height.

I would first buy this Acos Lustre GST-801 Tonearm



Then find a table to put it on.

Then pick a cartridge or two, spare headshells ...

A few tools and skills are DEFINITELY REQUIRED, to properly align a cartridge. Initially, a dealer, friend, yourself. If you acquire these skills yourself, you have the advantage for the rest of your life! 

You will need to replace worn stylus/cartridges and thus probably try other cartridges in the future, they will need to be aligned.


I have my friend's nearly new Goldring Eroica LX here, (he cannot play MC), and it is very nice sounding, (perhaps a bit polite).

Strangely, playing same LP, new, clean, comparing to other cartridges with my other arms, Shure V15Vxmr with Jico SAS on Boron; AT33PTG/II with Line Contact on boron, I frequently find the Goldring's Gyger II line contact stylus 'gummed up'.

Frequently enough to make me think it's unique shape heats up/hangs onto debris differently. I wonder if others have any comments about this? 



you are a great example of the need for a removable headshell.

I don’t know about the Music Hall TT’s. Can you order a different arm? without an arm? have a seller install your own arm?

Live near Plainfield, NJ, I'll help you figure it out, I've got some tools of mass destruction.

Gunked up Gyger II, now thete’s II of us.