Music for Passover

Ellen spent the day in the kitchen listening to those Down From the Mountain and O Brother discs, but when guests arrived I cranked up the main system with Ernest Block's Sonatas et al. After a while this got a bit too melancholic, so Glijov's Kiddishbukk's music of the sephardim energized the ambience through the readings...and outstanding chicken soup and homemade salmon-based gefilte fish (quelle horreurs!). The jazz player among us got weary, so I followed with Mark O'Connor's Hot Swing Trio to at least continue the violins through a magnificent roast leg of lamb, but had to provide relaxation for salad and desert with some KD Lang/Tony Bennett crooning. Not bad...but I gained 2 lbs!
How about you?

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What does a mostly vegetarian do on Passover?

A recording I love well in this ethnic tradition is Alia Musica's 'El Canto Espiritual Judeoespanol' (Harmonia Mundi, HMI 987015). Lovely and moving pieces from a Spanish Sephardic tradition. It is recorded slightly dark but it fits the music.