Music first or sound first?

I just thought it might be interesting to take a poll of those that put sound first and those that claim they put music first in listening to their rigs.


Showing 6 responses by grislybutter

Now that my system is up to snuff, music first! 

that's a good summary, when you are satisfied with your setup, the perspective changes. 

I have become obsessed with the sound quality so much, I barely enjoy music as I used to. 

@mikelavigne I wish!

But I sure could make a lot of fun of audiophiles and myself about how weird we must look to the outside world. 

@patrickdowns I am OK with looking at expensive gear now. I used to feel jealous or envious because I knew I could never afford it (anything over a $1000) but now I enjoy it like I read car magazines. Technology will trickle down and I will be able to enjoy some aspects of expensive gear and so it's mostly fun to read and watch reviews. I am fairly certain I wouldn't enjoy music more if I had more $$$ to spend on gear, or at least not in any way proportional to the cost. 

my daughter would listen to music on her iphone. All the time. One day I had enough, I had to set her up with a decent beginner/vintage system. She hasn't turned on the iPhone since, other than to stream.