Music First Audio Passive Magnetic Preamplifiers?

I want to know if anybody tried and compared this rare preamplifiers.
I´m really interest on this brand but I couldn't find anything here in Audiogon.
I will apreciate your opinions.
They're both way over priced. Can't justify buying something that's been marked up like that.
Nigi25, I bought the Hyperion 938s when theyfirst came out in '94. Hope your enjoying the 968s with tubes. Hyps are some of the best speakers under $10k.
Hello Dracule1, I love the HPS968 with VK-55, I'm waiting for a Bladelius Gondul Mle CD player, it is one of the best CD players available and it includes a preamp board, so I'll go directly to the power amp from the CD player.
I second Clio9's recommendation of the Lightspeed Attenuator which is a real steal new ($450), not sure what the one up for sale cost. I have used the following passives Placette RVC (and "Active"), BENT TAP-X autoformers, Goldpoint, Music Reference PiaB, and K&K TVC with S&B mkIII transformers. The Lightspeed is as good as any passive I have used in my system and it just possible I might keep this as one of my preamps till it stops working 50 years from now. Single-ended, and one input only (part of the reason it sounds so good?). Saying that, all of these passives will sound very good to excellent with sensitive amps, short ICs, and 100kohm amp input impedance.