Music First Audio Passive Magnetic Preamplifiers?

I want to know if anybody tried and compared this rare preamplifiers.
I´m really interest on this brand but I couldn't find anything here in Audiogon.
I will apreciate your opinions.

Showing 1 response by jordi

I own one and love it  my MUSIC FIRST AUDIO V-2 but if anyone tells you it’s a performer with lower powered amps they are not being very honest or they cannot hear ....this preamp is incredible but needs at least 50 watts of amplifier power to sound good it is killer with my atma-sphere m-60’s or my ultra incredible 6c33c mono block triode quicksilver or my new 60 watt quicksilver kt88 mono blocks but no way with my audio note 8 watt interstage c core mono block 300b’s at 8 watts or my quicksilver 2a3 mono block 3.5 watt’ers. I’m using the incredible CHARNEY EXCALIBUR COMPANIONS WITH VOXITIV AC2.6 @ 104dB/watt which is helpful as it does not function as well nor is appropriate with my Merlin speakers