Music everywhere, too much?

Just wondering if anyone ever gets annoyed because it seems you just can't get away from music anymore (mostly bad). Department stores, phone, elevator, work, commercials, restaurants, taverns. I know I read about this somewhere, but I said, "yeah, silence is nice sometimes."

I really don't listen to music in the car anymore. I'd rather get my music fix at home or live. I also try not to listen to the same recording too often.

Waddaya think?

Showing 1 response by exertfluffer

Yeah, balance is good...and often, silence (peace) is better. Still, when you do listen, or want to listen, quality is the best indeed.
I've found over the years that music would NEVER SEEM TO STOP playing in my head when I worked in the audio business daily! I found peace and quiet a good recipie for clearing out my mind.
It got so bad that I realized I couldn't make the songs stop laying in my head! So, I took a break compeletely for a while, and noticed a big difference in how I felt and operated.
I know far too many people who not only have music going when they are awake all day, but when they sleep! This is not good!...but that's my opinion anyway.
Now day's, I find I sometimes listen in my car (I like to drive too fast it seems, and play rock there mostly). But at music hardly. I do mostly movies at home, when enjoying with my gal/friends. I like it more that way these days. Needless to say, I "turn it off" more than on now. But I do enjoy it when I "do turn it up"! Balance....quiet...noise....quiet...noise...but mostly quiet