Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat

I've emailed John Wright asking exactly how big a jump in performance there was between the Bitstream and Bidat. He mentioned that when both fully modded they sound different from each other and neither was better then the other. The bitstream being more musical overall, while the Bidat picked up more inner detail. Anybody compared for themselves?

Showing 3 responses by slothman

I was quoted $500 back for a mod to my Bitstream in Feburary of this year. Apparently the price increase is due to an inclusion of a "Black Gate cap" upgrade that he used to offer separately.

I've held off in hopes of more feedback. Black gates reportedly take a while to break in and I would rather hear a little more on what to expect.

I like mine as is - it is very detailed. However, in my solid state PC audio system I went with the CAL Alpha. I would like to hear the Bitstream it in my tube system (in storage until my house is built) prior to pulling the trigger on the mod as well.
I'd be interested in knowing who has done an A/B of an unmodded Bitstream and one with the current mods. I don't quite get from this conversation that this has been done.

I have a low S/N unit "105". It does not say on the panel that it has the C-Lock circuitry. I thought it was a little bright sounding at first, but extremely detailed. All I know is that once paired with a Meridian 518, it blew away all others in comparison. If anything, I would like to experience slightly deeper base. Scared to death of modding it though. Perhaps I may try and get hold of a Moray cable and see what effect that may have on it - or is the Moray the preferred post-mod cable?
Vhiner - thanks for your response. I almost bit on John's first mod offering but there just wasn't enough feedback out there yet. I'm almost glad I held out until his latest. I will most likely proceed.