Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat

I've emailed John Wright asking exactly how big a jump in performance there was between the Bitstream and Bidat. He mentioned that when both fully modded they sound different from each other and neither was better then the other. The bitstream being more musical overall, while the Bidat picked up more inner detail. Anybody compared for themselves?

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I have a fully modded Bidat with the 2004 level including BlackGates. Simply stunning for digital playback. Allows me to enjoy at least 80 to 90% of my CD collection like never before.. The other 10 to 20% are done so poorly, you know that if they sound good on a system, then there is some sort of compromise for the rest of your collection.

This modded Bidat walks that fine line between warmth, detail, top & bottom frequency extension, neutrality, transparency, resolution, musicality, smoothness etc etc. I no longer do any critical listening. I just enjoy.

I got a good deal on it and was pleasantly suprised to see one go for $3K used last year.

A better transport does help this Dac, like any other, but is not super critical because of Meitner's C-Lock system.