Murphy s Laws for Audiophiles

I thought that everyone had such great stories on the Listening Room Rules, that I'd try this one out:
Creating the List of Murphy's Laws for Audiophiles:
Here are some of the "regular ones" to get the creative juices going.

1. The chance of a piece of bread falling buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
2. Any tool dropped while repairing a car will roll underneath to the exact center.
3. A good lawyer is a bad neighbor. (I put that in for Kelly, it's a compliment :-)

Showing 1 response by caterham1700

Your system will never sound better than it does the week before your audiophile buddies stop by to listen to it after you've been gloating on about the latest tweek.About 15 minutes before they show up at the door, you will make an insignificant toe-in adjustment to the speaker which will result in a nasty sibilance,glare,hardness, a near total collapse of soundstage and an odd suckout in the upper mid-bass.Out of politeness, your friends will not say anything negative about it but instead will give you faint praise about "how nice the system sounds,considering...".
You will not discover what went wrong until another week has passed.