use a good roon core/endpoint into your dac via usb and stream to nodes for other rooms
we specialize in streaming
Dave and Troy
audio intellect nj
Multiple audio systems in different rooms; how to link them with streaming gear?
I want to go "all in" on hi-res streaming; hoping at the same time I can link multiple systems (like for a party). Media room has Oppo 203, Lexicon MC-12, and Bryston power amps. Family room has AV receiver and Logitech Squeezebox which plays files stored on office computer. Outdoor has Emotiva UMC-200 driving pro amps (Crown, Mackie). Bedrooms have vintage separates (Parasound, Adcom, Sumo, etc.) playing CDs on Oppo DV-970HD's. I'm considering Tidal or Qobuz on Roon (with Nucleus). Will the Oppo 203 and Squeezebox work as end nodes? What would be decent endnodes for the other systems?. Or do I just get six Bluesound Nodes? Max budget is ~$4k.