Dear Halcro: I think that I don't explain to good or that you did not understand what I posted, here again:
first I don't know why you want differnt geometry alignment for each tonearm ( Baerwald, Stevenson, L¨fgren or what ever. ).
If you need full interchangeability you must choose one geometry alignment for all tonearms.
When we choose in that way, example: Löfgren B, even if the tonearm effective length is different from each tonearm we can force the calculations to one effective length for all the tonearms, in this way the overhang and offset angle will be the same to all tonearms and with full interchangeability.
Subject is to choose the " right " effective lenght value that permit the cartridge overhang set up for all tonearms. So, if for example you choose: 260mm that means that all tonearms must be mounted to conform that effective length minus the calculated overhang.
This could do it or not depending how large are the true tonearm efective lenght differences between each of the four tonearms. So, not always is possible to have that full interchangeability.
Regards and enjoy the music,