Multiple arms, multiple cartridges and geometry?

I have read the debates regarding the benefits of different tonearm geometries......Lofgren A and B, Baerwald, Stevenson etc....and I appreciate the benefits of choosing where, on the vinyl record, one wishes to have the least spread of distortion.
I also have read where certain arms seem to perform better with one or other of these geometries?

I have two turntables with three different arms on each one and I have a total of over twenty five different cartridges.
Four of those arms have removable headshells and twenty of my cartridges are mounted on their own headshells ready for installation into any of those four tonearms.
How then.......can I have different geometries for each arm if I don't wish to re-align a cartridge within its headshell depending on the arm in which its installed?
Surely......I must select a single geometry for all my arms so that the cartridges fixed to their headshells....are truly interchangeable?

Showing 1 response by john_gordon

Hi Halcro,
you said:
How then.......can I have different geometries for each arm if I don't wish to re-align a cartridge within its headshell depending on the arm in which its installed?
Surely......I must select a single geometry for all my arms so that the cartridges fixed to their headshells....are truly interchangeable?

I see you are still pursuing this quest. Previously I posted regarding a similar issue you asked about
...It looks to me that swapping headshells between arms would require them to be set up initially with oneheadshell/ cartridge combination which remained set once the first arm was done, and which was then used to set the remaining arms with adjustment achieved at the bases of the others, assuming they were different arms.

The alignment chosen would have to also be the same for each set up, irrespective of the arm design, but the arms could be different lengths. Then any cartridge/ headshellcombination could be set up to suit these alignments without moving the bases. This would depend on the headshells having slots, though the initial headshell could have holes as long as the arm used was designed to the chosen alignment.

So headshell swopping only works with arms of the same alignment. where one cartridge is used initially with one arm then that cartridge is used to set the mounting distance for the rest.

You could also set for Lofgren B, using the same headshell/cartridge by setting an arm closer to the spindle, thus increasing overhang by around half a millimetre (depending on effective length), as the cartridge offset remains the same using an adjustable base.

For other non LofgrenA arms you would have to know the offset angle and whether you could achieve a suitable alignment with a cartridge already mounted correctly for LofgrenA by adjusting the mounting distance only.

Have fun...
