I have the Audio Refinement Pre-5 and it very fine. It is basically a 2 channel preamp that has 5.1 anologue follow thru using the volume control as a master volume. When I swithed frome a tube pre to it I noticed a loss in air but gained bass extension, pace and timing, as well as detail.
Your source will have to have 5.1 anologue outputs because you will not be using the digital out but your sources processing. It will also have to have bass management to adjust the gain to your speakers to balance the surround sound.
Stereophile claimed that the Macintosh anologue 5.1 preamp was awesome and would be my choice if budget allowed, but the AR pre-5 is good. Definitely better than a pre/pro.
Your source will have to have 5.1 anologue outputs because you will not be using the digital out but your sources processing. It will also have to have bass management to adjust the gain to your speakers to balance the surround sound.
Stereophile claimed that the Macintosh anologue 5.1 preamp was awesome and would be my choice if budget allowed, but the AR pre-5 is good. Definitely better than a pre/pro.