Multi format playback: DAC w/ DVD-A capability? Rip to HDD? Just get an Oppo?

Here's my question/dilemma (and I'm hoping for some guidance): I have a handful of DVD-A's I'd like to enjoy again (I've no way of playing them today), a few SACD's (same boat as DVD-A's) and a large CD collection (I have a Tascam transport/player, but the DAC section needs improvement, read: time for upgrade). I would like to play everything. The 'no brainer' approach seems to be buying a universal player, like an Oppo or a Marantz; I do like the idea (simple wins points). My question(s) are:
  • Should I instead be looking at another transport, and DAC combo? Is there one that competes on both price and performance? I'm just not aware of multi-format transport/DAC combo's that will handle DVD-A's. 
  • The thought of ripping all of my CD's +DVDA's + SACD's to computer ranks up there with dental work. (I did this in the late '90's and did not like the experience at any level). HOWEVER, if the cost/performance ratio of a HDD based system beats the manual experience (hardware player) I could be interested. No easy reply's, though!!:  I'll need which software (uh - hardware, too?) to rip DVD-A's, what s/w player, and what sound card/DAC combo will be worth getting, over an Oppo?
  • There are a number of mods out there for Oppo's - does anyone have a good 'before/after' experience with them and can recommend?
  • used is a great option for me; 'bang for buck' is alive and well. 
  • budget for this is $1500 +/- (maybe $2k )
This is for a two channel system, in a dedicated listening room. I've been 80% vinyl, 20% red book CD. FWIW, a balanced output is a bonus from the player/DAC, as I'm using Jeff Rowland equipment downstream (Synergy IIi and dual 501s), and custom Tannoy Monitor Gold 12's. Thank you (in advance) for a primer into a digital excursion. B.

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Sony's Universal UHD player UBP-X1000ES is announced for Spring 2017 but there is no pricing info yet as far I am aware. It does play CD, DVD-A & SACD as per Sony blog.